Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day 4 "Remembering at the World Trade Center Location"

So Matthew and I are in New York and I did priceline for a hotel. It put us literally two buildings down from the World Trade Center site and we didn't even know it until after dinner we were walking back to the hotel a different way and we both got hit with some pretty deep emotions the closer we got.

I was surprised that the memories flooded back, maybe being here brought some closure that I didn't know I needed. I realized in this that God was letting my heart lead me through an experience that is just a good human experience to have and go through.

No one can understand the impact this kind of event can have on an individual or society but it made me realize how much I love our country. What an amazing place we live in.

So here is the question of the day:

What memory has come up recently that came with tons of emotions that you had to spend some time getting understanding about what you were feeling? Is your heart open where it surprises you and leads you at times or are you totally living out of your head?

Shawn Bolz

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