Sunday, October 4, 2009

Blog day 2 "Weren't you dating some girl?"

Blog day 2 "Weren't you dating some girl?"

So today max the wonder dog woke me up with a desperate need to go to the bathroom. He usually sleeps longer then me but there he was staring in hopes I would take him down the 2 flights of stairs so he could be delivered of who knows what he ate. No one could appreciate the intensity of a dog who has to go to the bathroom when you are trying to sleep unless they witness it. As I went to let him out I remembered my dream.

In it a bunch of people were asking me about the relationship I had this summer
that ended in august. I realized two things: 1) I released the fact that I was dating publically but never followed up with what happened and 2) I realized that in the dream people assumed the worst which made me want to make sure that it didn't happen in my real woken up land.

So let me tell you a nutshell version of what happened. I won't mention her name for her sake in case you are coming in late on our story. I am so grateful for the dating experience this summer with her. I haven't announced a girlfriend in years and she definitely was the center of my attention for a while. It was hard in the end, not because there was drama, but because it just wasn't it. She is such an amazing heart person so it of course was disappointing but we like each other and how we developed the relationship was around friendship first so we are ok now. Plus it was only 5 weeks of relationship....the lack of time invested helps it to be only disappointing and not devastating. So we are friends still and she still lives in LA and goes to our church. I think that's amazing that we can maintain that level of ok-ness.

I am so happy with the way my life is turning out without someone so I am in no hurry but if the right woman comes along believe you me, no one will have to point her out.

Well I didn't want this to sound like I had a summer fling, I wanted to make sure that this amazing woman was covered because there really wasn't a down side in our relationship, it just didn't work on a deeper level and she was the one to point it out first so there was nothing wrong with her...or me. Just wrong fit....hard for all the moms in my life to believe me they don't believe in a wrong fit they want drama! Haha except real mom she is amazing and understood. I wanted to fight for it when we were breaking up but I couldn't and I had to follow my heart just as she followed hers in initiating the break up.

I think the hardest part was that I so enjoyed doing life with someone on that level. Plus she is an amazing person. So with an open heart to God I pursue life.

On a side note I was able to really be creative this weekend which felt amazing. It was mostly in writing but I had other creative ideas for projects. I am the type of person who for the most part commits to my creativity and sees it through unless its all conceptual. This is so real though and I can't wait for my personal creative projects to take more shape. Maybe I will be bold and show them here.

So every day I am going to include a question to demand back from you, my readers, to participate. Here is today's:

my question of the day for you is can you think about a relationship/friendship that you had to end for whatever reason that is joyful to recall now? Like you suffer no pain or reminder of pain as much as you reminisce on the joy you had in it?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Not sure I could have been as transparent Shawn. I can totally relate re: the subject. Great blogs, look forward to the next one.